
Sales Promotion month-April !!!Get your order moving now!!!!

Hello all friends here,Happy April fools' day and Happy Sales Promotion month-April !!!
Details listed as below.You can email freely if you are interested in any of them zara.zhou@landmarkchem.com:
Sales promotion 1
One free shipping cost provided,if your order more than USD500 .
That is available to the customers who have finished the customer satisfaction survey and order more than usd300 .
​Sales promotion 2​
50g TestE +50g Anavar+ 50g DECA =USD500
50g TrenA +50g Winstrol+ 50g EQ =USD500
 (Shipping cost is not included in )
TestE can be replaced by Testosterone Acetate, Testosterone cypionate , Testosterone decanoate ,Testosterone phenylpropionate,Testosterone propionate.
Anavar ,TrenA can be replaced by Trenbolone enanthate, Drostanolone enanthate ,Drostanolone propionate .
DECA can be replaced by Nandrolone phenylpropionate.

PS: These two coupons can not be used together!Workable from 1st April.
Sincerely yours
skype toprawsteroids
Email zara.zhou@landmarkchem.com


Homebrew winstrol 50mg/ml No more reserch,all in one place

Based with water
Basic recipes of 1L@50mg/ml
Winstrol powder 50g
BB 180ml
BA 20ml
PS 80 25ml
Distilled water 737.5ml

Based with Oil
Basic recipes of 50mg/ml winstrol
1 gram winny powder
4.0cc peg 300/400
0.6ml polysorbate 80
0.4ml benzyl alcohol
14.25ml distilled water
40ml @ 25 mg/ml
1 gram of Winstrol
1 beaker suitable for holding the volume of liquids
7.8 ml of PEG 300
31.2 ml of 190 Proof Grain Alcohol

Buy high quality winstrol powders landmarkroids@gmail.com.

How To Make Winstrol / Stanozolol Suspension / Oil 50 mg/ml or 100 mg/ml?


Ready for the summer 16 weeks steroid cycle

If you want to be in good shape in June start preparing from April.
I wont make this article long, just basic things you need to know and do which will do the job.
Start doing these things from April and dont leave thing up to the last minute. Everything needs time and if you want health and results do it slowly and correct.
1. Exclude sugars, forget about all soda drinks and chocolates.
2. If you have more than 25% fat exclude carbs after 15.00 or 17.00 PM. (try both options and see which one works best for you)
3. Add cardio after each workout for 30 minutes in normal speed (6 max 8 speed on treadmill).
4. Add Omega 3,6,9 supplements to your daily nutrition
5. Start working out in 20 reps range and in May switch totally to super-sets. One month of super-sets and 5 days/week workouts.
6. The cycle itself. In this article I will present first option for the summer cutting steroid cycle. This is the longest option for about 16 weeks. Later I will add more articles with steroids cycles with other compounds.
WeeksTestosterone PropionateBoldenone UndecylenateInjectable Winstrol (Stanozolol)
1-16600mg/week (divide into 2 shots 300mg/each)
9-16 100mg/EOD
17-20PCT with clomixyl and nolvaxyl
ED – every day, EOD – every other day;
PCT – Post Cycle Therapy
Day 1– Clomid 200mg + Nolvadex 40mg
Following 10 days – Clomid 50mg + Nolvadex 20mg
Following 10 days – Clomid 50mg or Nolvadex 20mg
It it is time to start preparing for the summer!
Looking forward to hearing about your progress.
Buy high qaulity original steroid powders from landmarkroids@gmail.com.

Dianabol results, what will you gain?

Dianabol results, what will you gain?

For high quality Dbol powders,please email landmarkroids@gmail.com.

For those looking to embark on their first ever Dianabol cycle the question of what sort of results they will see, and how much muscle they will gain from the cycle, is common. Whilst we’ll never be able to answer precisely what results or gains a person will achieve, we can provide a rough idea of what a “typical” person could obtain from their first Dianabol cycle.
First and foremost, this guide is making the assumption that you’re new to Dianabol but have several years of training experience, are following a well regimented routine and have all your dietary needs properly covered. Dianabol – like any other steroid - is not a shortcut. Yes, you may be able to pack on a bit of muscle whilst on a cycle but you’ll be left disappointed once it ends if your training and diet is not up to scratch. The fundamentals must be in place from the outset.
With that sermon over, let’s get to it.

Typical weight gain from Dianabol
Whilst results vary greatly from person to person, it is fairly typical for someone to gain somewhere in the region of 7-14lbs whilst on a four week Dianabol cycle, dosed at 30-35mg each day. Greater weight gain is not uncommon, but is often accompanied with excessive fat and water gain rather additional muscle, except for the lucky (albeit rare) “hyper-responders” among us.
To be clear, this is the weight gained during the cycle. Dianabol is well known for its water retention properties – in other words, users typically carry excess water during a cycle which can give a “puffy” or smooth appearance to a physique. The water retention will quickly subside once the cycle is completed.
Apart from the psychological boost often experienced from this rapid gain in body mass, the water retention can also be beneficial by helping to prevent joint soreness or irritation during the heavy training loads often used during a bulking cycle.

End results, post cycle
Again, this varies from person to person. From my experience in gyms and trusted members on online communities it is fairly common to retain around half the weight gained during the cycle, post cycle. This means it is typical to gain somewhere in the region of 4-7lbs from a Dianabol cycle, once the cycle is over and the water retention has cleared.
Your ability to retain the gains made during the cycle will be maximised if you continue to follow an effective and intense training program, suitable diet (with sufficient calories – remember your calorie requirements will have been increased from the extra muscle mass) and a proper post cycle therapy is implemented so your natural testosterone production is brought back to par as soon as possible.

With all the above said, no-one could possibly precisely predict what anyone would gain from their first Dianabol cycle as everyone responds differently. Hopefully the above offers some insight to what could be expected, although I must again stress that it comes with the usual caveat that the fundamentals must be in place before you embark on a Dianabol cycle.

For high quality Dbol powders,please email landmarkroids@gmail.com.


Buy Testosterone Cypionate Powder From landmarkroids@gmail.com

Buy Testosterone Cypionate Powder From landmarkroids@gmail.com

1-Testosterone Cypionate, also know as, Dihydroboldenone / DHB, most commonly known as 1-testosterone, is a 5alpha reduced form of the steroid boldenone. This lack of 5alpha reduction with the compound allows users to administer it without suffering the negative side effects associated with this chemical reaction but also eliminates the benefits as well.
Details of testosterone cypionate powder in our company:
Names: Dihydroboldenone, 1-test cyp, 1 test, DHB, 1-Testosterone Cypionate.
Chemical Names: 17beta-hydroxyandrost-1-en-3-one, 5alpha-androst-1-en-3-one, 17beta-ol.
Active Life: depends on the ester utilized
Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio: 200/100.
Dosage:The dosage will vary greatly depending on the needs of the individual, but is most often in the range of 50mg to 100mg per shot.
Melting point: 154-155°C.
Description: Pale yellow crystalline powder.
Prices of 1-testosterone cypionate powder:
$700 / 1000 grams;
$420 / 500 grams;
$170 / 100 grams;

General Info About Testosterone Cypionate 

1-Testosterone Cypionate / dihydroboldenone is structurally similar to methenolone and boldenone and less so to testosterone despite the commonly used name for it, 1-testosterone. For this reason some female athletes may be inclined to use the drug as well. The potential for development of symptoms of virilization still remain but are not as severe as with synthetic testosterone or other harsher drugs. This is not to say however that dihydroboldenone is a mild drug. To simplify the explanation of exactly what the drug is, it is to boldenone as dihydrotestosterone (dihydrotestosterone) is to testosterone. This would explain why the effects of the drug, both positive and negative, are so dissimilar to those of boldenone. Like testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, a portion of the boldenone that a user administers converts to dihydroboldenone. Also similarly, dihydroboldenone like dihydrotestosterone does not convert to anything else past that compound.
1-test cyp, while not overly androgenic, is a potent anabolic. It has been demonstrated that the drug binds extremely well and selectively to the androgen receptor and stimulates androgen receptor transactivation of dependent reporter genes. This equates to a drug that possesses the ability to stimulate significant muscle growth while not producing androgenic side effects. It has been shown to be by far more anabolic then such compounds as boldenone, nandrolone, and even testosterone itself. Obviously this is of great benefit to many athletes.
Anecdotally some users have indicated that post-injection pain with dihydroboldenone can become an issue for some. Diluting the drug with either another injectable drug or some other type of sterile oil seems to alleviate at least some of this discomfort. The type of ester used does not appear to negate this pain for the users that experience it however.
Indeed dihydroboldenone is available in numerous different esters. Cypionate, Ethyl Carbonate, Propyl Carbonate, and Propionate, among others, are all available for use with the drug. As always each does not offer any real advantages over one another other then the obvious differing active lives that each presents and the amount of time that it takes for the body to completely eliminate the drug from it. For the most part users will want to have their choice dictated by the injection frequency with which they want to deal with when using the compound, but of course they will also likely be limited by those that are made available to them.

1-Testosterone Cypionate Dosage

As for the duration with which dihydroboldenone can be run, due to the mild nature of the drug extended use of the compound can be completed with little in the way of serious complications arising. There are no major issues with hepatoxicity or severe kidney stress and the effect it has on other vital health markers such as blood pressure is slight in the majority of users.
As for specific dosages used with this drug, the low end is primarily thought to be three hundred to four hundred milligrams per week for male users. Like all drugs this number will vary from user to user and also depends on how much of a dramatic effect a user will want to achieve with the drug. As for the highest doses that would be worthwhile for users to attempt, this again depends on a number of variables. Doses of one gram per week are not uncommon for some users with others attempting doses in excess of this. It will always come back to how much one is willing to administer and at what point do the positives of increasing your doses begin to be outweighed by the negatives.
As stated earlier, for the frequency of dosing with dihydroboldenone it of course depends on the ester used with the compound. Seemingly the most por current ester to produce the drug with is cypionate. No matter what ester utilized however the same rules would apply as with any other drug in terms of the frequency of administration needed to maintain relatively stable blood levels of the compound.
For females the usual rules apply with dihydroboldenone as they do with other drugs. These are namely starting out with short esters if possible so that if side effects begin to become too severe discontinuation of the drug can begin immediately and low doses should be administered at the beginning of the cycle and can be increased once the tolerance of the user is gauged. Anywhere from twenty five to one hundred milligrams per week would be a good starting point for the majority of female users who have little to moderate experience with anabolic drugs.

Buy Testosterone Enanthate Powder From landmarkroids@gmail.com

Buy Testosterone Enanthate Powder From landmarkroids@gmail.com

Testosterone Enanthate a long acting form of the parent hormone testosterone. In this particular case, the parent hormone has been attached to the Enanthate ester to delay its release into the bloodstream over several days,it is also an oil based injectable steroid, which is designed to slowly release testosterone from the injection site. This slow release delivery leads to an elevation in testosterone levels lasting for approximately two weeks (it may even take as long as three weeks for the drug levels to fully diminish). Due to its relatively long activity level, Testosterone Enanthate is favored by the medical profession and is primarily used to treat cases of hypogonadism and similar disorders where low androgen levels are at fault. As with all testosterone products it has strong anabolic and androgenic activity. Gains in strength and muscle mass are notable, along with an increase in libido. It has also been noted that a relief in tendon pain and an increase in stamina are direct effects of Testosterone Enanthate administration. This is probably due to increased water retention coupled with an increase in red blood cells – leading to a greater oxygen uptake in the blood.
Details of Testosterone Enanthate powder
M.F.: C26H40O3
M.W.: 400.59
Assay: 98%
Melting point: 33-35°C.
Appearance: white crystalline powder.
Prices of Testosterone Enanthate powder:
$680 / 1000 grams;
$420 / 500 grams;
$170 / 100 grams;
Bulk order,bulk price.

Dosage of Testosterone Enanthate

Testosterone Enanthate has a release time of between 8-10 days. It is typically injected once every one to three weeks, though some users opt for a twice a week frequency as well,Most people will find that 500-1000 mg of this form of testosterone is going to be more than enough to build tons of new muscle

Side effects of Testosterone Enanthate

This version of Testosterone Enanthate will cause the usual side effects associated with Testosterone, including: hair loss, acne, gynecomastia and eventual cessation of the body’s natural testosterone production. Many of these side effects can be associated (if not totally attributed) with the conversion of Testosterone into Dihydrotestosterone and estrogen.

How to make steroids oils step by step

How to make steroids oils step by step

Landmarkchem is a legit source of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids Raws and SARMs Powders. Professional guide can be provided for those customers who want to make their own brands, start their own business in this field.
If you want to convert steroid powder into injectable form by yourself, you need to do the following :
For example, how to make Trenbolone Acetate 100,in this example,we will be using the following Trenbolone Acetate recipe
50ml trenbolone acetate 5g trenbolone acetate powder
1ml BA
10ml BB
35ml Grape seed oil
Before you get started, assemble the following items:

Step 1:Select the recipe we listed above,weight the tren ace powder into the glass beaker.
How to make finished injectable steroids 1
How to make finished injectable steroids 1
Step 2:add the 1ml BA and 10ml BB
How to make finished injectable steroids 2
How to make finished injectable steroids 2
Step 3:The solvents will begin immediately dissolving the powder, you need to stir it with glass rod gently, but in order to speed the process up it is possible to use a water bath till the oils completely dissolved.
How to make finished injectable steroids 3
How to make finished injectable steroids 3
How to make finished injectable steroids 4
How to make finished injectable steroids 4
Step 4:Add the warmed the Grade Seed Oil 35ml to the solution till mix thoroughly. (There should be no hormone swirls, once this occurs, remove immediately from the water base and move on to the filtering process.)
How to make finished injectable steroids 5
How to make finished injectable steroids 5
Step 5:Draw up the solution into the syringe you will be filter with
How to make finished injectable steroids 6
How to make finished injectable steroids 6
Step 6:Once the product is filtered in the Sterile Vial the process is complete

Contact usif you have any further questions for making steroid oils.





Not only steroid powders,but also one-stop service for your steroid powders hombrew,
such as the necessary raw materials and equipments.If you have any further interests about steroid home brew and production ,contact us anytime .


Melting Point of Steroid Powders:

Testosterone Enanthate
Melting Point = 32-36C
Testosterone Cypionate
Melting Point = 98-102C
Testosterone Propionate
Melting Point = 118-122C
Testosterone Base
Melting Point = 154-155C
Testosterone Phenylpropionate
Melting Point = 115-116C
Testosterone Isocapronate
Melting Point = 53-55C
Testosterone Decanoate
Melting Point = 47-49C
Methyl Testosterone
Melting Point = 162-167C
Melting Point = 235-238C
Melting Point = 225-230C
Boldenone Undeclynate
Melting Point = Will melt at room temp.
Nandrolone Decanoate
Melting Point = 30-35C
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate
Melting Point = 92-96C
Tamoxifen Citrate
Melting Point = 143-146C
Clomiphene Citrate(Clomid)
Melting Point = 116.5C
Melting Point = 184.5C
Melting Point = 177-180C
Stanozolol (Winstrol)
Melting Point = 228-242C
Trenbolone Acetate
Melting Point = 94-97C

Steroid Powder Conversion Recipes

1、Test Enanthate 10 gram conversion 40ml @ 250mg/ml
10 grams test E
2ml Benzyl Alcohol = 5% BA
30.5 ml sesame oil
Syringes 3cc & 5/10cc
18 or 20 gauge needles
mixing Vial
Sterile Vial
Whatman sterile filter
2、Test Cypionate 5 gram conversion 20ml @ 250mg/ml
5 grams test c
1ml Benzyl Alcohol = 5% BA
15.25 ml sesame oil
Syringes 3cc & 5/10cc
18 or 20 gauge needles
mixing Vial
Sterile Vial
Whatman sterile filter

3、Test Prop for 5 grams 50 ml @ 100mg/ml
5 grams powder
36.25 ml sesame oil
2.5ml Benzyl Alcohol = 5%
7.5ml Benzyl Benzoate =15%
Syringes 3cc & 5/10cc
18 or 20 gauge needles
mixing Vial

Sterile Vial

Whatman sterile filter

4、Deca for 10 grams 50 ml @ 200 mg/ml
10 grams powder
32.50 ml sesame oil
2.5ml BA 5%
7.50ml BB 15%
Sterile Vial
Whatman sterile filter
5、Tren for 5 grams 50 ml @ 100mg/ml
5 grams tren powder
43.75 ml sesame oil
2.5 ml Benzyl Alcohol = 5%
Syringes 3cc & 5/10cc
18 or 20 gauge needles
mixing Vial
Sterile Vial
Whatman sterile filter

Powder convert into oil:

Testosterone Base - 1g Displaces 0.893mL
TestosteronePropionate - 1g Displaces 0.909mL
Testosterone enanthate - 1g Displaces 0.943mL
Testosterone cypionate - 1g Displaces 0.909mL
Testosterone decanoate - 1g Displaces 0.962mL
Testosterone Isocaproate - 1g Displaces 0.935mL
Testosterone Phenylpropionate - 1g Displaces 0.885mL
Trenbolone Acetate - 1g Displaces 0.848mL
Trenbolone enanthate- 1g Displaces 0.909mL
Nandrolone deconate- 1g Displaces 0.962mL
Masterone propionate - 1g Displaces 0.935mL

LANDMARKCHEM is aim to supply high quality steroid powders only.If you want to brew the best juice,find the best steroid powders source.We are your best choice.CONTACT US.


HGH & Peptides/Peptides/Peptide Storage

HGH & Peptides/Peptides/Peptide Storage

Email: landmarkroids@gmail.com

The storage information in this article is applicable to all of the following peptides as they are manufactured by the same process (lyophilization): GHRP Peptides, CJC-1295 Peptides, HGH Frag 176-191 and IGF-1 Peptides.

Storage Environment
Both mixed and unmixed vials should be stored in sealed plastic satchels or containers and kept away from food in the refrigerator to prevent any risk of cross-contamination.

Freezing Vials
Freezing vials is permitted for unmixed vials only (i.e. vials still in powder form and not reconstituted with water), however, they should only ever be frozen and thawed out again once as repeated freeze/thaw cycles can damage the peptide chain. Since vials remain stable in the refrigerator for 12 months (1 year), freezing vials should be reserved for situations where you plan on storing unmixed vials for more than 12 months.

Pre-Loading Syringes
Pre-loading syringes and storing them in the refrigerator or freezer will not compromise the quality, so in that sense they are fine to use. However, if a syringe is pre-loaded and frozen, there is a risk that it may come out of solution into particles. When thawed out the peptide may not return into solution and possibly cause irritation or damage at the injection site.

Storage Times

The recommended storage/expiry times for all injectable peptides as advised by the manufacturer are as follows:
Room temperature (up to 45 degrees Celsius)
Mixed vials - <48 hours
Unmixed vials - 60 days

Refrigerator temperature (2-8 degrees Celsius)
Mixed vials - 2 months
Unmixed vials - 12 months (1 year)

Freezer temperature (-20 degrees Celsius)
Mixed vials - Should not be frozen
Unmixed vials - 24 months (2 years)

Any vials you have which are stored outside of these times/temperatures are still safe to use, they will not cause you any harm. The only thing to keep in mind is that they may have begun to degrade and will not be 100% as effective as a new and unexpired vial, so your results may not be as good. However this is only a general guideline; many have found that even "expired" vials, or vials not stored at cooled temperatures are still fully effective.

Does HGH Have To Be Refrigerated

If you are interested in knowing the answer to the question "Does HGH Have To Be Refrigerated" read the following.

One of the most popular supplements nowadays is HGH. HGH or human growth hormone, since its discovery in the year 1912, has been attributed to many beneficial effects, such as muscle growth, increase in height, delaying aging and in numerous other benefits as well. 

However, one of the questions regarding injectable HGH is its storage conditions. One of the questions asked is—does HGH have to be refrigerated?

Yes, it has to be refrigerated. It is said that HGH potency is lost by about 90% if the solution is left unrefrigerated for 24 hours. And yes, you have to maintain the temperature between 2-8 degrees Celsius. However, the good news is that human growth hormone can withstand temperatures up to 37 degrees Celsius for over a month and 45 degrees Celsius for over a week.

Once you receive HGH, you have to refrigerate it. Do not ever freeze it, because it will also destroy potency.

Refrigerate before Mixing

It is said that if you refrigerate human growth hormone between 2-8 degrees Celsius, the product is said to last for a year, or until the expiration date indicated. You should look for the expiration date upon receipt and clarify with the seller or manufacturer for any unclear directions or any questions. Upon receipt, you should also note for any change in physical properties and inform the manufacturer if you have any doubts.

If you decide not to refrigerate your HGH before use, it is good for only over 30 days. If you keep the product at 45 degrees Celsius, you have to use it within one week.

So the best option is, refrigerate!

Refrigerate after mixing

After mixing, you can keep the solution at your refrigerator at a range of 2-8 degrees Centigrade. However, you have to use it within 20 days. Some actually say that the mixture can be kept for 30 days under these conditions. However, again, when you are in doubt about using the product, do not use until you ask the seller or manufacturer for advice.

How to Use Human Growth Hormone (hGH) for Fat Loss

How to Use Human Growth Hormone (hGH) for Fat Loss
Q:“How can I use GH for fat loss? How about for mass gain, and what would be the differences if any in use?”
A: The first consideration really in GH use for fat loss is dosage. Individual tolerance of GH can vary widely, but broadly speaking, most can use up to 14 IU total per week without development of neuropathy (numbness, weakness, or pain from nerve compression due to growth of cartilage.) Some can tolerate much more, a few cannot tolerate even this amount. So far as I know everyone can tolerate at least 7 IU per week, and nearly everyone 10.5 IU/week, or an average of 1.5 IU/day.
As might be expected, the higher the weekly dose the greater the benefit on fat loss.
There’s a wide range of theories on timing of doses. I’m not persuaded by any of them and have seen good results from any of a wide range of methods. My inclination is that best results are from at least 1x/day per use, rather than for example taking 4 IU every two days. However, difference in fat loss results from individuals, or differences in the same individual at different times, are large enough and the difference between protocols seems small enough that I won’t insist that the at-least-daily use is better for fat loss. It does seem so to me, however.
I don’t think there’s importance in GH timing with regard to meals. Morning may be better than evening or later in the day due to possibly providing less suppression of natural GH production; at any rate results seem a little better this way. If wishing to time the injection after a workout, this also is a well-proven method.

If wishing to be in best condition by a particular date, it usually proves acceptable to increase dosage by 50% in the two weeks before that date. While that dosage may be above the acceptable long-term dosage, the time period is short enough that neuropathy usually doesn’t develop, and if it does it will prove reversible, again due to the short time period.
If you are interested in steroid powders,hgh and peptides,please contact me freely.landmarkroids@gmail.com skype Live:Toprawsteroids.


#Holiday Notice#

Hello my dear friends,we are going to have 3 days off from April 2nd to 4th.It's Chinese Tomb-sweeping day .If you have any order going to place recently,now it's the best time to move.Order early,receive early,what are you waiting for?
Best regards