How to Prevent Steroids Injestion Pain?
What causes (non injection related) injection pain?
1. The short ester has higher melting point easily causing crystals
2. High concentration(mg/ml)
3. High Benzyl Alcohol Content
4. Injecting too quickly
5. Allergic and Injecting not deep enough
6. Virgin muscle
7. Fascia displacement
8. Histamine reaction
Precipitation of short estered compounds
Pain is caused when the oil/solvent are absorbed by the body and crystals are left behind. Long ester = high solubility, short ester = less solubility.
Short esters(propionate or acetate)are harder, more painful crystals with melting pointsin the 100c range. A hormone with a longer esters(excluding cypionate – cyp is long but also high melting point) can have a melting point in the 20c-40c range. not far off from human body temp.
High concentration(mg/ml)
Building off of point1: Let’s say it takes the body 24hours to absorb 1 ml of a certain oil/solvent blend, and 24hours to absorb 50mg of testosterone propionate. If 50mg(or less) of testosterone propionate is in 1ml of that oil, this injection should be painless. On the other hand, if 100mg of testosterone propionate is inthat same 1 ml of solution, then after 24 hours the body will have absorbed 50mg and 1ml, leaving 50mg belind in the injection area, crystalized and painful.
Its better to shoot 3ml of 50ma/ml Testosterone Propionate than 1ml of 150mg/ml Testosterone Propionate.
This is also why water based suspensions(Testosterone base/no ester,Winstrol) hurt the most, water is very easily absored in the body.
High Benzyl Alcohol Content
Within 24hours will most likely be a burning pain witch is usually caused by a high concentration of BA(Benzyl Alcohol)
The solvents used can cause pain in 2 ways. Benzyl alcohol(BA) is used at 1%-2% as a preservative and antiseptic. If the alcohol content is too high the gear will burn. Pain in the first 24hours is usually caused by heavy solvents, pain in the next few hours is usually caused by crystalization.
Another way is bad recipe. If someone used 2%BA,and the rest of the solution oil, the mg/ml would have to be low due to oil’s weak ability to hold crystals. On the other hand, a recipe like 2% BA,5% Guaiacol(super solvent), 10% Benzyl Salicylate (liquid asprin) with the filler split 50:50 between Ethyl Oleate (oil/solvent hybrid) and normal oil should be far less painful.
Fascia displacement because of Injecting too quickly
If you inject too quickly it can tear tissue. This occurs when a large volumetric quantity is injected intoa single site. The oil pushes the muscle fascia apart and results in stretching and eventually scarring with the muscle. This can be avoided by reducing single site injection volume and spreading the injections between multiple sites. This is also a good idea as more smaller, more frequent dosing significantly reduces many of the side effects of AAS. These become exacerbated by peak and troughs in hormone levels. The reduction in side effects is particularly dramatic with trenbolone acetate when an ED injection schedule is maintained.
Virgin muscle
If your muscle is new to the hormone, It will absorb the hormone very slowly, but absorb the oil/solvent very quickly. This will cause more crytailzation and pain. As your muscles recognize the hormones, they will be absorbed more quickly, thus less pain. The deeper you inject into the center of a muscle group,the better.
Allergic and Injecting not deep enough
Allergic and when you may not get the injection deep enough in the muscle to where.
Histamine reaction
This doesn’t occur as often, but is still a potential possibility. For a compound to become biologically active the ester must be cleaved from the parent molecule. This results in the formation of a carboxylic acid. Some people find that they are sensitive to one of these. This results in swelling,warmth,redness and possibly a rash at the injection site. In the worst instance the individual may have an existing allergy to the carrier oil(sessame, etc..) that can result in anaphylaxis(swelling and occlusion of the airway) in addition to localised inflammation. If any histamine reaction results, immediately discontinue use and switch to an alternate carrier oil and/or alternate ester. If anaphylaxis results,immediately seek medical attention.
How to prevent pain before I inject?
1. Dilute compound with sterile cutting oil to get mg/ml at <=200 for long esters and <=100 for short esters.
2. Don’t bother with b-12, its water based-absorbed so quickly it will have little to no impact.
3. Gently warm the oil to improve viscosity. You could put the vial in the bathroom sink and let hot water run over the vial for 2 minutes, and shake well. This will lower the oils viscosity also making it easier it pull into the syringe.
4. Inject very slowly to reduce muscle fascia displacement, take 30 seconds per ml. Use a 25g pin to inject so it forces you to move slowly.
5. Add 20% Benzyl Benzoate by volume to propionate and phenylpropionate esetrs.
6. Use 23g needle to prevent high output pressure from smaller needles.
7. Inject frequently w/less volume, <3ml for large muscles and <2ml for smaller muscles.
8. Ensure that the injection is deep intra-muscular and fully through any sub cutaneous fat
9. You can also add: 100mg Benadryl one hour prior to injection; 800mg ibuprofen one hour prior to injection.
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