
Steroid Cycles For Women

Steroid Cycles For Women

The goals of the female seeking to get into steroids should be considered before you take them. Very heavy steroid me is necessary for those seeking to compete in a national level to be able to win anything at allFor those women, milder androgens should be used with high doses and customary stacking. Nearly all women out there are mostly recreational lifters or small time competitors given that they do not have the genetics nor interest to go completely in competition. The few suggestions here is oriented towards those that want to compete at local, state and also the greatest level of competition.

An average female steroid user friend of mine started of with: advanced steroids for ladies

Primo 100mg/week started at approximately 75mg/weekend increased to 100 by about week 6
EQ at 75mg/week
Winstrol 10mg/day in 2 doses
Winstrol 20mg/day orally by 50 percent doses/day
Winstrol 25mg IM every 3rd day
Testosterone at 60mg/week of prop, 15mg almost daily for six weeks only.
Nandrolone phenylprop 100mg/week. This is started at about 75mg/week and increased to 100 after about week 6.
Taken at 25mg every second day because of short half life.
Nandrolone phenylprop 75mg/week and anavar 20mg/day in three doses/day.
Anavar 10mg/day in 2 doses
Anavar 15mg/day in three doses
Anavar 20mg/day in three doses
Anavar 25mg/day in three doses

A great effects were achieved from your above results and outputted good strength gain and muscle gain. Bloating have also been experienced on all cycles with Nandrolone giving a tad bit more bloatingas opposed to runners (except for Test) and no pain was proficient in the shoulder region throughout aheavy lifting routine.

It is important to steer clear of the strong androgens for example IM Tren, D-bol, Test, etc. Take into account that even mild androgens can be quite androgenic if taken in high doses. One of the most androgenic within the cycle above is Test followed by Eq and many types of others may be ranked around the identical doses although a few androgenic side effects can be experienced with higher doses of Winstrol IM.

Androgenetic unwanted effects may be minimal in doses only 1 to 15 mg of Wistrol and Var for example bloating and minor acne about the shoulders. Again acne was experienced about the shoulders on all cycles and it showed being worst on Eq and Test and a slight voice hoarseness that went away after stopping and it seemed worst of Eq and major voice cracking on Eq.

A respectable amount of new hair growth was noticed on Make sure short while on steroids except low doses of winny and occasional doses of Var. Her clitoris also got larger and thicker on Test.

My friend liked the Var and Primo comparable with Var being her number 1 choice brand since itcontinues to be tested as pure and well dosed. Her second options are Loeffler. Her liver panel and lipid panel stayed unchanged after 60 days on 25mg of Var daily.

Avoid Prop and Deca as nandrolone phenylprop is safer and one can stop taking them if the sides get bad. Know that Primo is mainly always faked (Deca) which if it is real it will be in the long acting etser. Eq is a long acting ester. Should you choose get bad sides it is possible to discontinue the cycle with short clearing and acting inejectables.

There are several big mistakes that girls make when taking steroids for example taking up to 50mg of IM Winstrol every day as this is a lot of and lots of claim that Winstrol is in charge of bad unwanted effects when in reality it is the IM route and excessive dosage. Many available don't understand that IM steroids tend to be more bioavailable than oral steroids and therefore doses needs to be lowered.

Stacking is not needed for all aside from those who find themselves advanced competitors as it couldcause excessive doses and androgenic sides. It is advisable to try out each steroid separately before trying to stack them.

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How to get rid of Dbol back pumps

How to get rid of Dbol back pumps
#1 Get off Dbol use for few weeks
The best you can do when feeling severe lower back pain is to stop Dianabol use at all for 2-3 weeks and see is your back pain is still there. You will see if this is another side effect of Dbol use and you will get control of it next time you are about to bring Dbol back in your cycles.
# 2 Reduce Dbol cycle time
Because we know that getting off  Dianabol when you are on your way to gain huge muscles is easier said than done, a second option is to just cut down the length of Dbol cycle. A common cycle length of a Dianabol stack is about 10 weeks. We recommend you to reduce the Dianabol cycle to up to 6 weeks and be completely out of it in the 8th week.
# 3 Take Taurine or have more energy drinks
Taurine is a type of amino acids used to relieve excessive pain caused by anabolic steroids use.It just frees up the blood supply in the area you feel pain, improving blood flow and this way lessening up the pumps.What have Taurine in common with energy drinks? Well, taurine is a basic component of almost all energy drinks, so in case you can’t get your hands on Taurine tables, having more energy drinks could help to reduce back pain.
#4 Drink more water
Stick to 4 liters of water intake per day or even more. You may not realize how failing to drink enough water is causing serious health problems and how many of them disappear by simply getting hydrated. Aside of sweating intensively in the gym, taking orals AAS is also putting a huge stress on your kidney. Improve your water drinking routine and you will be surprised with the way you feel in just a few days.
#5. Lower your carbs intake
Apparently, eating more carbs is going to worse your lower back pain so it’s better to reduce their intake. This is related to the massive amounts of glycogen entering the muscles and liver and making that bumps unbearable. Dieting around Dbol use can be a good way to go but it’s still not 100% sure method that you will not experience back pain.
Don’t take lower back pains as a normal part of cycling Dianabol, because it’s not.Sharp pain is definitely a sign that something is wrong and you are not facing a simple Dbol side effect. Switching the steroid may be of help to rule out all other side effects and keep your blood clean.
On the other hand, if it feels tight than one of the above-mentioned remedies may help you to mitigate the Dianabol back pumps. Reducing the Dbol dosage and supplementing with Taurine are just two of methods that seem to help most of those who suffered from back pains caused by oral AAS.




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The Beginner’s Winstrol Cycle

The Beginner’s Winstrol Cycle

When it comes to cutting cycles for beginners, Winstrol (“Stanozolol”) is a great choice. Most experts recommend pairing the steroid with Equipoise for the best results and the fewest side effects. Although you can build a Winstrol cycle in any number of ways, the following information is tailored specifically to those who want to try their first cutting cycles.

Why Winstrol?

With all of the advice out there, you might find yourself wondering why a Winstrol cycle is the go-to option for beginning cutting cycles. There are many reasons for this, actually, but the ease with which you can use it makes it a prime candidate. Unlike many other anabolic steroids, Winstrol does not aromatize. This means that you will not need to use aromatase inhibitors during your cycle, and you will likely not need post-cycle therapy. In fact, this is one of the only products that is as easy to use as it is effective – but only at the right doses and for the right cycle lengths.

The Beginner’s Winstrol Dose

The average dose of Winstrol during a cutting cycle ranges from 25mg to 50mg per day. You can take Winstrol in tablet form (it comes in 10mg tablets) or as an injectable liquid in a variety of concentrations. Although some bodybuilders claim that they use more – even up to 100mg per day – this is not recommended for beginners as most athletes report considerable joint pain and difficulty sleeping at this high dose. The average Winstrol cycle length ranges from 6 to 10 weeks in duration, and you should never use this product for more than 12 weeks.

Equipoise as a Stack

The cold, hard truth is that while Winstrol is quite powerful, you need to add another component to your Winstrol cycle if you truly want to see results. There are many from which to choose, but Equipoise is probably the best for beginners since it is well-tolerated and produces very few side effects. Like Winstrol, Equipoise does not aromatize and does not require the use of AIs or SERMs for post-cycle therapy in most cases. This makes it an easy compound for beginners to use.

The Beginner’s Equipoise Dose

Equipoise works well in cutting and bulking cycles alike by amplifying the effects of whatever steroid you pair it with. In this case, because you will add your Equipoise to a cutting cycle, you will need a dose between 300mg to 400mg of Equipoise per week, optimally divided into every-other-day doses. Equipoise is relatively safe when used for 8 to 10 weeks at a time.

Putting the Two Together

With all of this information in hand, creating the perfect Winstrol cycle for beginners is easy. Just take 25mg to 50mg of Winstrol every day along with 75mg to 100mg of Equipoise every other day for a period of 8 to 10 weeks. Not only will you shed 1% to 2% of your body fat depending on your diet and exercise plan, but you will also keep and harden your muscles, even during this calorie-deficient cycle.

Winstrol is a great product for beginners, especially when paired up with Equipoise during a cutting Winstrol cycle. The risk of side effects is relatively low when compared to other anabolic steroids, and most users seem to tolerate both products quite well.


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Anavar (Oxandrolone) Use as a Cutting Agent

Anavar (Oxandrolone) Use as a Cutting Agent

Want to lose weight and keep it off for good? Do you repeatedly lose weight only to gain it back? If yes, there’s a better way to lose weight by which you can avoid weight loss diet pitfalls and achieve weight loss success in the long run. It’s time you place your trust in Anavar (also known as Oxandrolone, AnVar, and Oxandrin), one of the safest oral steroids available.
What Is Anavar?
Anavar, the synthetic anabolic steroid derivative of Dihydrotestosterone, was first introduced in 1964 in the United States market by Searle Laboratories, which is now known as Pfizer Inc. The chemical name of Oxandrolone is 17β-hydroxy-17α-methyl-2-oxa-5α-androstan-3-one.
This steroid has the anabolic/androgenic ratio of 322-630:24 and has the molecular weight of 306.4442 g/ml at the base. This drug has an active life of 8-12 hours and can be detected over a period of 3-4 weeks. The active ingredient in Anavar tablets is the anabolic steroid Oxandrolone and the list of inactive ingredients include cornstarch, lactose, magnesium stearate, and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose. This steroid can easily be purchased online, with or without a medical prescription, in different forms such as pills, capsules, injections, and creams.
Medical Benefits Of Anavar
Anavar is medically prescribed for the treatment of individuals diagnosed with involuntary weight loss caused by chronic or acute injury, infection, or illness. This drug is one of the very few steroids that can even be used by sick patients as it is metabolized by the kidney and not the liver, like most anabolic compounds. It is also beneficial for treating loss of body muscle, the elderly with weight loss problems, cancer patients on chemotherapy, and HIV positive patients. This is primarily because Anavar has the unique potential of restoring and maintaining body weight, especially lean body mass, and can dramatically reduce hospital stay besides improving wound healing compared to standard nutritional therapy alone.
Anavar is used by those into bodybuilding and athletics to reduce abdominal and visceral fat. Use of this steroid is not associated with hair loss, which is a common complication associated with other anabolic steroids and performance enhancing drugs. A good choice for in-season use, Anavar also has the ability to improve respiratory function and heal cutaneous wounds. Considered to be one of the best cutting cycle drugs, this steroid has the unique potential of reducing body fat and weight and keeping them under control.
One of the biggest advantages of Anavar is its ability to promote muscle mass and strength gains without water retention. Secondly, this anabolic steroid does not aromatize at any dose and it does not suppress the natural production of testosterone in the body. Anavar is also admired by those into sports with weight categories like Mixed Martial Arts, Power lifting, and Boxing as this drug leads to lowest sulfobromophthalein retention when compared to Norethandrolone, Fluoxymesterone, methAndriol, and Methyltestosterone. In addition to these advantages, Anavar has the potential of improving nitric oxide levels in the body that promotes muscle cell volumization and fluid displacement between muscle cells and also have a positive influence on protein synthesis.
Anavar For Men And Women
Anavar can be used by both men and women as it does not result in virilization and aromatization. This drug does not promote the development of secondary male sexual characteristics in women.
Recommended Dose Of Anavar
Male athletes may use Anavar in dosages of 20-100mg every day in a cycle of 6-10 weeks. Female athletes, on the other hand, use Anavar in dosages of 5-15mg every day.
Anavar is generally stacked with Halotestin, Proviron, Equipoise, Primobolan, Winstrol, and Human growth hormone.

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