
HGH & Peptides/Peptides/Peptide Storage

HGH & Peptides/Peptides/Peptide Storage

Email: landmarkroids@gmail.com

The storage information in this article is applicable to all of the following peptides as they are manufactured by the same process (lyophilization): GHRP Peptides, CJC-1295 Peptides, HGH Frag 176-191 and IGF-1 Peptides.

Storage Environment
Both mixed and unmixed vials should be stored in sealed plastic satchels or containers and kept away from food in the refrigerator to prevent any risk of cross-contamination.

Freezing Vials
Freezing vials is permitted for unmixed vials only (i.e. vials still in powder form and not reconstituted with water), however, they should only ever be frozen and thawed out again once as repeated freeze/thaw cycles can damage the peptide chain. Since vials remain stable in the refrigerator for 12 months (1 year), freezing vials should be reserved for situations where you plan on storing unmixed vials for more than 12 months.

Pre-Loading Syringes
Pre-loading syringes and storing them in the refrigerator or freezer will not compromise the quality, so in that sense they are fine to use. However, if a syringe is pre-loaded and frozen, there is a risk that it may come out of solution into particles. When thawed out the peptide may not return into solution and possibly cause irritation or damage at the injection site.

Storage Times

The recommended storage/expiry times for all injectable peptides as advised by the manufacturer are as follows:
Room temperature (up to 45 degrees Celsius)
Mixed vials - <48 hours
Unmixed vials - 60 days

Refrigerator temperature (2-8 degrees Celsius)
Mixed vials - 2 months
Unmixed vials - 12 months (1 year)

Freezer temperature (-20 degrees Celsius)
Mixed vials - Should not be frozen
Unmixed vials - 24 months (2 years)

Any vials you have which are stored outside of these times/temperatures are still safe to use, they will not cause you any harm. The only thing to keep in mind is that they may have begun to degrade and will not be 100% as effective as a new and unexpired vial, so your results may not be as good. However this is only a general guideline; many have found that even "expired" vials, or vials not stored at cooled temperatures are still fully effective.

Does HGH Have To Be Refrigerated

If you are interested in knowing the answer to the question "Does HGH Have To Be Refrigerated" read the following.

One of the most popular supplements nowadays is HGH. HGH or human growth hormone, since its discovery in the year 1912, has been attributed to many beneficial effects, such as muscle growth, increase in height, delaying aging and in numerous other benefits as well. 

However, one of the questions regarding injectable HGH is its storage conditions. One of the questions asked is—does HGH have to be refrigerated?

Yes, it has to be refrigerated. It is said that HGH potency is lost by about 90% if the solution is left unrefrigerated for 24 hours. And yes, you have to maintain the temperature between 2-8 degrees Celsius. However, the good news is that human growth hormone can withstand temperatures up to 37 degrees Celsius for over a month and 45 degrees Celsius for over a week.

Once you receive HGH, you have to refrigerate it. Do not ever freeze it, because it will also destroy potency.

Refrigerate before Mixing

It is said that if you refrigerate human growth hormone between 2-8 degrees Celsius, the product is said to last for a year, or until the expiration date indicated. You should look for the expiration date upon receipt and clarify with the seller or manufacturer for any unclear directions or any questions. Upon receipt, you should also note for any change in physical properties and inform the manufacturer if you have any doubts.

If you decide not to refrigerate your HGH before use, it is good for only over 30 days. If you keep the product at 45 degrees Celsius, you have to use it within one week.

So the best option is, refrigerate!

Refrigerate after mixing

After mixing, you can keep the solution at your refrigerator at a range of 2-8 degrees Centigrade. However, you have to use it within 20 days. Some actually say that the mixture can be kept for 30 days under these conditions. However, again, when you are in doubt about using the product, do not use until you ask the seller or manufacturer for advice.

